Monday, June 10, 2013

June's acting president's message



Acting President’s Message


              Thanks to one and all that attended the Thursday, June 6th meeting.  Mary Jane was off on a well deserved vacation to Ireland.  As VP, I was the stand-in for the evening.  Once we got through the meeting portion, we realized that we were lucky to have filled nearly all the vacancies for next year’s board.  Don’t forget that we will have ice cream next month but we will also vote for the new board.  Even if you do not choose to chair something ,

co-chairs and / or helpers are always welcome.  Then we were on to the fun stuff.  One group at a time showed their hard work for the Round Robin, the Mystery Quilt and the Challenge.  Adena Joseph and the Round Robin ladies, there were only three, were first.  They decided to go around twice so their completed quilts were sufficiently large and creative.  For the Mystery Quilt , Pat Erickson’s gals were so successful that a clothesline effect was done so we could compare them and see just what a difference  in colors makes using the same pattern.  They were great.  The grand finale was Barbara Sindlinger with the Challenge quilt competition.  Everyone got a chance to vote as we took a break.  With the only requirement being that only solids be used, they were all different. All the ladies and their quilts came on stage with their quilts and prizes were awarded for the winners. Everyone explained the ideas they had for their quilts.  The only problem seemed to be when Barbara and Deolinda Rhoads couldn’t seem to agree which side was the front of Deo’s quilt.  No matter, both sides were great as were all the quilts.  A great job was done by all the ladies. Thanks to everyone for making my gig fun!!         Margaret Davis

Ladies, here are the challenge quilts for this year. We had some a great turn out.