Thursday, November 20, 2014

December's Update

President's Message

What a wonderful meeting.  It was great to see so many people there.  I don’t know about all of you, but I certainly learned some things I didn’t know about modern quilting.  The quilts they showed after the presentation were wonderful and certainly illustrated the points that were brought up in the slide presentation.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I wanted to run right home and start on a modern quilt that used negative space just so I could play with all of the fun quilting that could happen in an area that wide open.  I don’t need another project, but it’s fun to think about.
There were five people who identified the block correctly.  They were Pat Erickson, Grace, Bethaney, Joyce, and Dora Cary.  I’ll have a little something for you at the next meeting.  The quilt block was Broken Dishes. It has a history that dates back to the civil war.  It was used as a signal during the underground railroad.  It indicated that there would be a signal at a future landmark that would involve broken crockery. 
Just a reminder the next board meeting is scheduled for 6:00 November 20th at my house.  
Keep Sewing,  Kristin

Christmas Party

Time to put on your party hats and holiday finery! Thursday Dec. 4th we will be meeting at the bowling alley in Hanford at 6:30 to kick off the holiday season. Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert to share. Guild will furnish the drinks. We will be selling raffle tickets on the donated baskets for $1 each or 6 for $5. Drop your ticket in the drawing bag for the basket of your choice and you have a chance to win.  Baskets need to be delivered to the bowling alley by Thurs. afternoon or call Rita or Cheryl to arrange an earlier pick up. Baskets can be anything you imagine. Fabric, kits, quilting theme items, gardening, BBQing, movie watching, puzzles doing, gift cards you'll never use, Aunt Mary's antique jigamathingy you never want to dust again, an UFO you are sick of looking at! We have lots of new quilters in our guild who enjoy those things we never have and never will use! Homemade goodies are always exciting! One year I did a Pepsi challenge. Diet and Regular Pepsi and Target gift cards for $5 and $50 but I didn't know which Pepsi had which gift card! We currently have 4 live auction items. A Christmas wreath, a dragonfly wall hanging, and 2 quilts donated by Darby. If you have any larger items you would like to donate give Rita or Cheryl a call. See you all there! Please contact Rita or Cheryl if you have any thoughts or questions.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

October's Update

Predident's Message
Greetings Everyone,
     I just wanted to take a moment and thank the auditing committee for their work.  I also wanted to thank Mary Jane for her hard work with the boutique as well as everyone else who participated in making the boutique a successful event. 
     The program for the evening of making cards or bags was enjoyed by all who participated and the table was completely full from start to finish.  I saw lots of creativity and heard plenty of people chattering as they were working on their cards or bags.  What a nice way to get to know members even better.  Many of those cards and bags created were donated to the boutique.
     Now for the block that I had posted, it was “Wild Goose Chase.”  This block apparently has at least 14 different variations.  Some have similar characteristics, and others do not seem similar at all.  The connection throughout them is the flying geese.  The history I found indicated that homesteaders watched flying geese and created quilts around that central theme.  The triangles themselves represent the geese.  The other names of the block in any of its variations are:  Baltimore Belle, Dutchman’s Puzzle, Dutchman’s Wheel, Wheel, Duck and Ducklings, Corn and Beans, Ducklings, Fox and Geese, Hen and Chickens, Handy Andy, and Shoo Fly.  If you happen to check out the Shoo Fly block you will certainly see what I mean by variations.  They don’t necessarily look anything like the “Wild Goose Chase” block I showed you.  Thanks to all of you who took a guess.  I think I might try something a little different with the block for next month.
Keep on sewing,

Boutique Wrap Up
     A meeting will be held Monday, October 13 at Panera in Hanford at 6:30 pm to go over the boutique items and to see what went well this year and things that we can work on for next year.  I can personally say that we had a wide variety of beautiful items at the boutique this year and according to membership, over 30 members donated items and about that many helped either price, set up or work the boutique.  For a group of only 56 members (yes that is the current number) that percentage of working members is excellent.  Our estimated bottom line after expenses is about $4,348.41.  We may have a few other expenses not yet   Well done ladies, well done!  
     We have our next available date set for October 10, 2015 for the 4th Annual Boutique.   I had some members tell me that they didn’t make as much as they wanted to because time got away from them.  I am giving you lots of notice so start planning and sew the things you love to sew.
Show and Tell 
If I can find time this weekend, I'll try to post some of the pictures I took during show and tell this past month.  The program chair asked everyone to bring any Halloween quilts to show if they had any.  Who knew we had a member who's anniversary is Halloween and had many quilts and items to share.  So much talent in our group.  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September Updates - President's Message and Boutique information

President's Message
What a wonderful meeting. It was great to see so many people there for the meeting and to hear Melinda Bula. Her quilts are absolutely fabulous and her energy level is incredible. I look forward to seeing everyone’s quilt from the class in some future show and tell.

Nancy got us started on our clue for the next mystery quilt. She said it would be easy and is an optical illusion so think about joining in and participating in the mystery quilt. The block of the month that was re-turned was beautiful and the one for this month is equally lovely. Debbie will let us know that the challenge information would be coming up some-time in the future.

Congratulations Mary Ann for winning the gift certificate. Now you get to buy more fabric to sew, sew, sew.

Don’t forget you still have time to get last minute items done for the boutique. I’m still working on mine.

Thank you all for being so very supportive for my very first meet-ing it is much appreciated.
…And the block was “Clay’s Choice” it is also known by the names “Clay’s Favorite, Clay’s Star, Henry of the West, and Harry’s Star.” It originally honored Henry Clay (1777-1852) a long-time politician who dominated American politics for over 30 years. He made multiple at-tempts to be elected President.  No one guessed correctly, but I appreciate everyone getting into the spirit of things. I think I’ll choose a simpler block next month (Charlotte couldn’t name it either and she knows tons of blocks). Hmmm maybe that’s just a really well known block on the East Coast.

Thanks Again and Keep on Sewing

Budget Review
On Page 2 of the newsletter you will find the budget for the fiscal year 2014/2015 (September through August). This is the budget that was created and approved by the board . This budget does need the approval of the general members so please come prepared with any questions you may have and be ready to vote on it at the October meeting.

3rd Annual Boutique
Our boutique is fast approaching and less than a month away. I hope you mailed out postcards and are still giving them out to friends, family, your nail or hair lady, doctor’s offices and any place you may find an interested person.

If you haven't finished making items the areas needing attention are: aprons for women, children and men, Christmas or any seasonal wall banners, Christmas tree skirts, children or baby quilts, casserole carriers, anything that you would like to make. Just make the things you love and would like to give as gifts. The nice benefit is what we don’t sell you will get back. It is so exciting to see all the beautiful things you are making posted on Facebook. We are getting lots of positive responses on all the items. If you were not at the last meeting, it was decided we, as a group would not do any pre-sales. So many people would like to buy ahead but it would not be fair for those getting there early to buy.

If you haven't gotten your price tags:  Contact Cheryl Mitchell for and have each of your items tagged. We will price the items at my home on Monday, September 29 at 4 pm. Be sure you put your name on the back of the tag so we are assured you will get your items back. Our goal is to price items fairly and consider what time and money went into the item. We want to be known as the best place to buy unique custom made items that you wouldn't find at your grandmother's church bazaar.


Be sure to pick up your items at the close of the boutique (after 4pm on October 4th). If you can’t bethere, have someone designated to do that for you.

If you haven't signed up to docent the day of the boutique, contact Bethaney Kuenning.

We are going to need props to display the items. If you have any-thing you can bring, the contact person is Charlotte Rogers.

We have created a large following of peo-ple looking forward to our event. Any questions feel free to call me.

Let’s do the thing we all love to do and that is sew, sew and sew some more. Happy sewing.
Mary Jane Loya

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 2014 Update

Presidents Message:
Once again I got my chocolate fix, as we celebrated at our July meeting with an Ice Cream Social. You just can’t beat Superior Dairy chocolate ice cream for your taste buds, followed by some beautiful quilts for visual excitement. We had a good size crowd and several new members as well.

The update on our tickets sales for our Opportunity Quilt was very encouraging. We are not far from our$2000 goal. The ticket sales at the Kings Fair were excellent, thanks to Bethaney Kuenning and her Merry Maids encouraging people to buy. More, no doubt, will be sold at our upcoming Boutique in October. The drawing will take place at our November meeting. We are looking forward to some great speakers with the money we glean from the ticket sales.

I want to thank Nancy Roeben and Kathy Koga with whom we have had such fun with our Block of the Month. They have already turned over the reins to Cindy Gagne who will get started next month. I hope she enjoys the task and perhaps can find a partner with whom she can share the fun. We seem to be doing well with our Comfort Quilts and those involved say they are learning new many quilting tricks from each other and having a great time on sewing days.

Those who participated in the quilt Challenge interpreted the directions in many different ways, but all were very creative, as usual. Needless to say our ladies have lots of talent.

Next month I will be passing the torch to our new President and her Board. I hope you will join me in wishing them well for the upcoming year.

I know if we all help out just a bit with whatever we can, it will make next year very smooth running and enjoyable for all of them.
Fondly, Margaret

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June Presidents Message & Committee Updates & other fun stuff

President's Message

Hi once again quilters,
I have to say that I was really happy to have my favorite Chocolate fix, M&M’s, playing 
“Quilto”, even if I didn’t win. Lots of fun! Thanks to Barbara Sindlinger and Charlotte 
Rogers for arranging a fun time. The clothesline display of Mystery quilts made organizer, 
Kristin Eilers very happy. There were lots of them and, as usual, such a wonderful variety 
of colors made each one unique and beautiful.  (See pictures on committee page.)  Although we did not have a speaker at this meeting, we had plenty to accomplish and it was a very busy meeting.

Next month we all still have a chance to vote on our Challenge quilts. It should be fun 
along with that great Superior ice cream that we all love (I had some today!)

The list of officers and program chairs will be printed in this edition of the Newsletter. 
You may check it out and if it is approved, we will install the officers and chairpersons in 
August. There are still a few openings and everyone is encouraged to jump in with both feet 
and do something, no matter how small. Share duties with a friend, or make a new friend by 
inviting them the share with you. Don’t forget my little hint that whatever you need to know 
is available with that relatively recent term, “ Google it!”

Enjoy this warm month. Fondly, Margaret

Still a few fun positions left to fill.  Contact Margaret Davis or Mary Jane Loya if you'd like to fill one of these positions.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up for something already.

President: Kristin Eilers    
Vice President: Charlotte Rogers    
Secretary: Bethaney Kuenning  
Treasurer: Rita Buchler  
Advertising/ Billing: Cheryl Stivers
Block of the Month: Cindy Gagne
Blog and Newsletter: Barbara Sindlinger and Kathy Morrison
Boutique: Mary Jane Loya
Christmas Party: Rita Buchler and Cheryl Mitchell    
Comfort Quilts: Mary Jane Loya and Mary Ann Wlaschin  
Facebook:  Barbara Sindlinger
Hospitality: *requires sending cards - open  
Membership: Cheryl Mitchell  
Monthly Drawing: Pat Erickson
Mystery Quilt: * open    
Parliamentarian & SCCQG & NCQG Rep:  Grace Hoya
Round Robin: * open
And I'd also like to congratulation Rita Buchler who won Best of Show at the Kings Fair with her President's Block quilt.  WAY TO GO RITA!!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2014

April Presidents Message

So sorry I had to miss the March meting and didn't get to see Kathy Morrison "Wow" you all with her talents.  Unfortunately the 'bug' finally caught up with me.  Doing better now after a round of antibiotics.  Many thanks to all those who took over and kept things running smoothly.

It is already getting to be that time of year for you to start thinking about the committee in which you would like to participate next year (fiscal year starts September).  All areas are open except Programs and I am happy to thank Deolinda Rhoads and Barbara Sindlinger who are already working together to bring us an exciting year.  

In May the ladies of the Nominating Committee will be calling to see what will be your committee choice for next year.  Keep doing your best for the Challenge and Mystery quilts.  We look forward to seeing all of them in June.  Don't forget about bringing items for the Monthly drawing.  

Many Thanks,
Margaret Davis

**Don't forget to sell your Opportunity quilt tickets.  And if you need more, contact Janet Stivers.

**We had 33 members in attendance this month and five visitors.   (Best of the Valley weekend.)

**You should have received your newsletter with the mystery quilt clue, the budget and a list of upcoming quilt shows that you might be interested in.


All who participated are winners but here a few that got some ribbons.  
Debbie Van Fossen got Best Home Machine Quilting for her Scrappy Stars and a NQA Award for her Star Light Star Bright quilt.

Large Quilts, Pieced, Pantograph Quilted
Honorable Mention to Jeanne Sisco for Akimbo

Large/Small Quilts, Pieced, Hand Quilted
3rd Place - Double Wedding Ring (Opportunity Quilt)

Large/Small Quilts, Group Quilts 
2nd Place - Elaine Berry for Passionate Purple Quilt.

Small Quilts, Mixed Techniques
3rd Place - Barbara Sindlinger for Butterflies quilt

Small Quilts, Pieced Pantograph Quilted
Honorable Mention - Deoldinda Rhoads for Helter Skelter quilt

Small Quilts, Art
1st Place - Sara Kelly for Leaf Pods
2nd Place - Sara Kelly for Beach Stones
3rd Place - Pat Bell for Sunflowers in my Garden
Honorable Mention - Pat Bell for Circles in Chaos

Wall Quilts, Whole Cloth
1st Place - Debbie Van Fossen for Star Light Star Bright
2nd Place - Debbie Van Fossen for Stella's Garden Trellis
Honorable Mention - Barbara Sindlinger for Aqua Linen

Wall Quilts, Pieced, Machine Quilted
Honorable Mention - Pat Bell for Autumn in Silver Lake, OH
Honorable Mention - Charlotte Rogers for the Colors of Thimble Towne

Wall Quilts, Mixed Techniques
3rd Place - Debbie Van Fossen for Dresden Christmas
Honorable Mention - Brenda McCutcheon for Thimble Towne Color Challenge

Wall Quilts, Art:  Other
1st Place - Barbara Sindlinger for Rainbow Fish (Thimble Towne Color Challenge)
2nd Place - Kristin Eilers for Rondo
3rd Place - Sara Kelly for Grand Canyon Sunrise

Mini Quilts, Art
3rd Place - Kristin Eilers for Color Blast


Monday, March 24, 2014

March Presidents Message and blog update

Well Quilter’s, I believe another successful meeting was had by one and all this past
Thursday. We welcomed a few new members, including Greg from Thimble Towne, who
came up with a great challenge for all our members. He offered a $100 gift certificate to his
store for 100 Comfort Quilts made by our group. Sounds like a great incentive to me. So far we
have given out 58 this year. Great job!
I want to thank those who have stepped up to the plate and taken charge of some of our
vacant positions. If we each do something, however small the job, working together things
don’t seem so overwhelming.
I guess we have all heard enough about those cell phones to last for a while, personally, I
leave mine in the car. It is always appreciated when someone takes pictures with their phone
to share. Hopefully everyone will be reading the Newsletter, and trying to find something
special in it, to get a prize at the next meeting. Perhaps it will be a name or a number or some
serious grammar error, love those, or something else that will jump out at you. Have fun!!
I will list the upcoming quilt shows in the Newsletter just for your information. Perhaps
someone may find a nice road trip to take. Mary Jane, as usual, showed us some of her
Boutique projects to inspire everyone to get sewing. We made lots of bucks and had a great
time last year. The first two years were a learning experience and MJ really has a system now.
Once again, everyone doing a little is much better that a few doing everything.
Our Opportunity Quilt is in the capable hands of Suzie Kistler of Best of the Valley (BOTV)
and on its way to being judged. With help from a couple of ladies, Janet Stivers is now in
charge of the tickets and docenting for BOTV April 4-6. We need to commend Charlotte
Rogers, who with Diana Noland, successfully got the quilt to the right place in time. Even
under the duress of Charlotte’s husband, Doyle, having a heart attack and going through open
heart surgery she thought of us. He is now home and doing well. Keep them in your prayers,
Keep doing your best for the Challenge and Mystery quilts. We look forward to seeing all of
them in June. Don’t forget about the Monthly Drawing. Many thanks to Nancy and Kathy for
their 2nd year of dedication to the Block of the Month.
Our guest Speaker was Colleen Granger all the way from her home in Alaska. I find it amazing
how so many of us come from a clothing background, as she does, and the thinking is in yards
of fabric, and not fat quarters like quilters. Both however don’t like to waste any fabric, so
those scrap quilts have to be born, whether we like them or not. Her quilts were fabulous and
inventive. Thanks to Kristin Eilers and Grace Hoya for taking over Programs for Charlotte at the
meeting. We had a large crowd and some new members. Hopefully, we will have a full house next
month when our own Kathy Morrison will share her talents with us.
Many Thanks, Fondly, Margaret

Monday, January 20, 2014

Our 2014 Opportunity Quilt is Finished!

Thanks to Bethaney Kuenning for hand quilting this beauty and for Diane Mitchell for the binding, and Kathy Morrison for the embroidered label.  Tickets will be passed out to you to sell at the next meeting.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kings Art Center Show (and challenge updated)

The Common Threads Quilt Guild will be the featured artists at the Kings Art Center in Hanford.  Our show runs from February 1 through March 22, 2014 with the opening reception on January 31 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm.  We need you to bring your quilts to the Kings Art Center on Jan 18th between 12-3 pm.  You may bring entry forms and fee then if I have not received them yet. Please bring dowel or rod with your name on it for hanging, otherwise they will not be hung, if you don't mind pins in them please have a written ok.  (Be advised that it is not pins they use but nails so it is best that you bring a rod to hang your quilts with.)   

We would love to have a good representation of our guild during the reception so even if you are not putting anything in the show, please come to the opening reception on January 31st.  Bring friends and family.  

And if you have entered quilts, you will be able to pick them up after 3 pm on March 22.

I have also updated the Committee Update page to include the challenge details.  I've included links to some of the designers Deolinda mentioned along with a color wheel showing how to find your complimentary color to the color you drew.  (Example - if you drew the color orange, you complimentary color would be blue.)

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 2014 Presidents Message

A surprise happened at our Jan 2nd meeting.  There was a good size crowd even though it was the day after a holiday.  There were also several quilts displayed with family stories and historical information to go with them.  One in particular got almost everyone up from their seats in amazement.  

The library has been completely overhauled and we had an extra-long break so that everyone could shop and buy the bargain books from the thinning out.  The book sale will continue next month as well.

Many reminders went out to let everyone know that there are several positions that need to be filled for the rest of the year.  I am hoping that now that the holidays are over, lots of people will be wanting something to do.  Advertising and publicity need someone to get notices to the newspaper and send out bills to our advertisers.  The newsletter is up for grabs, I have my computer literate daughter working on it at this point.  Gathering docents for the Best of the Valley Quilt Show on the first weekend in April.  Free tickets involved there.  As you can see we need a few hands on deck.  
Everyone should be reading their Newsletter for all the updated information, such as the budget and minutes.  They were not available at our meeting which helped to keep it short and sweet but nonetheless I think very enjoyable.  

Our meeting next month will feature guest speaker Ann Hinan from Tulare with no doubt a wonderful program.  

Wishing you all a wonderful 2014, which I hope will be full of enthusiasm for the Guild.  

Margaret Davis