Monday, September 14, 2015

Holy Moly - I've updated the guilds blog FINALLY

I know I know, it's about time!

Here's our president's message:

Hello Again Everyone,
It looks like we are off to a good start this year. It was great to see everyone at the last meeting. I loved the power point presentation. It looks like Juanita has some great programs lined up for us this year. I don’t know about all of you, but I made sure I signed up. Saturday’s sew day at the mall was fun. There was a fairly large group of us and a number of people were working on the witches’ hats. I’m glad we have people who are creative enough to come up with ideas for those hats. I’ll leave it to them. There were also pumpkins, pillows, bowl co-zies, table runners, and crayon bags being made to name a few items. It looks like we will have quite a few items for our boutique. Keep those sewing machines humming along, there is still time to get bou-tique items made. Just a reminder, our next meeting is still at the church, but our November meeting will be in our new location at the Fraternal Hall.

With less than a month to go we are getting down to the deadline for your donations. There is plenty to do and your help is needed. The following dates are very important:
Wednesday, October 7 all donated items need to be delivered to Mary Jane Loya’s home between 2-5 pm or call to make other arrangements. Be sure you have price tags on your items and a price you want if you don’t feel you want to go for a lesser price. Cheryl Mitchell has price tags.
—October 7, starting at 6 pm sorting and pricing begin.
—Friday, October 9, all items and props need to be delivered to the Comfort Inn by 8:30 am for set up. Merchandiser arrives at 9:30.
—Saturday, October 10, doors open to the public. Please arrive ahead of your sched-uled time to be briefed on what your duties will be.
—Boutique closes at 3 pm. You are responsible to retrieve all your donated items. If you cannot be there, please assign someone to retrieve those items.
This year we decided to try selling decorated witches hats with the upcoming event on the following Friday. We are expecting a good response when the doors open, so be ready.
If you need more postcards, contact Cheryl Stivers OR Mary Jane Loya.
We have built a reputation and people look forward to this event eve