Wednesday, July 18, 2012

All Updated Now! Even show and tell

but I'm missing pictures of the mystery quilts.  If anyone has some good photos - please sent to me.  Thanks.


Last month I was on vacation and missed the last meeting.  The exciting report I got back was the enthusiasm you all have for the beautiful items you showed for the boutique.   I really hated missing the results from the mystery quilt and seeing what great combinations of color you came up with.
While on vacation to Oregon and Vancouver, Canada, I did not miss a chance to go shopping at as many fabric stores as I could find.  Quilters are great people no matter where you go.   That is why I love all of you and your enthusiasm for this fine art.
I look forward to being your president for another year and all that is planned.  Thank you to all of you who are taking on new positions and filling those spots so we all can enjoy another year.
Happy quilting, Mary Jane Loya
 The following people have volunteered to take over the listed positions for the next guild fiscal year.  We will be voting these ladies in at the next meeting and if there are two people wanting the same position, we would have to take a vote on that as well.  If you are interested in any vacant position (highlighted in red) or want to help someone else as co-chair, please contact Rita Buchler at 924-7053.  A big thank you to those who have signed up already.

President:                       Mary Jane Loya
Vice President:              Margaret Davis
Secretary:                       Rita Buchler
Treasurer:                       Bernita Garcia
Advertising/Pub:             __________________
Block of the Month:       Carole Adams/Mona Bolen
Challenge Quilt:             Barbara Sindlinger
Charity Quilts:                Heather Ridges
Fundraiser:                    __________________
Historian:                       Diane Mitchell
Hospitality:                    Paula Goff
Librarian:                      Bethaney Kuenning
Membership:                Cheryl Mitchell
Monthly Quilt Raffle:     Pat  Erickson
Mystery Quilt:                Charlotte Meade/Pat Erickson
Newsletter/Web Site:  Diane Brown/Paula Goff
Nominating:                  Rita Buchler
Opp. 2012/2013:         Diane Mitchell & Friends
  Ticket Sales:             Janet  Stivers
Opp. 2013/2014           ____________________
 2013/2014 Ticket Sales:____________________
Parliamentarian:          Grace Hoya
Programs 2012/2013:Charlotte Rogers/Elaine Berry
Programs 2013/2014:    ____________________
Projects;                       Rita Buchler
Retreat”                        _____________________
Round Robin:              Adena Joseph
SCCQG & NCQC Rep.; Grace Hoya
Christmas Party/Raffle: Pat Erickson/Rita Buchler/Cheryl Mitchell
Past President:             Rita Buchler

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I updated the show and tell pages a week or so ago and never got back to update all the rest of the pages.  Sorry.  Guild meeting tonight so all the information will change now anyway.

Tonight we reveal all the mystery quilts and the members get to vote on the challenge quilts.  Should be a fun evening.