Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June Presidents Message & Committee Updates & other fun stuff

President's Message

Hi once again quilters,
I have to say that I was really happy to have my favorite Chocolate fix, M&M’s, playing 
“Quilto”, even if I didn’t win. Lots of fun! Thanks to Barbara Sindlinger and Charlotte 
Rogers for arranging a fun time. The clothesline display of Mystery quilts made organizer, 
Kristin Eilers very happy. There were lots of them and, as usual, such a wonderful variety 
of colors made each one unique and beautiful.  (See pictures on committee page.)  Although we did not have a speaker at this meeting, we had plenty to accomplish and it was a very busy meeting.

Next month we all still have a chance to vote on our Challenge quilts. It should be fun 
along with that great Superior ice cream that we all love (I had some today!)

The list of officers and program chairs will be printed in this edition of the Newsletter. 
You may check it out and if it is approved, we will install the officers and chairpersons in 
August. There are still a few openings and everyone is encouraged to jump in with both feet 
and do something, no matter how small. Share duties with a friend, or make a new friend by 
inviting them the share with you. Don’t forget my little hint that whatever you need to know 
is available with that relatively recent term, “ Google it!”

Enjoy this warm month. Fondly, Margaret

Still a few fun positions left to fill.  Contact Margaret Davis or Mary Jane Loya if you'd like to fill one of these positions.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up for something already.

President: Kristin Eilers    
Vice President: Charlotte Rogers    
Secretary: Bethaney Kuenning  
Treasurer: Rita Buchler  
Advertising/ Billing: Cheryl Stivers
Block of the Month: Cindy Gagne
Blog and Newsletter: Barbara Sindlinger and Kathy Morrison
Boutique: Mary Jane Loya
Christmas Party: Rita Buchler and Cheryl Mitchell    
Comfort Quilts: Mary Jane Loya and Mary Ann Wlaschin  
Facebook:  Barbara Sindlinger
Hospitality: *requires sending cards - open  
Membership: Cheryl Mitchell  
Monthly Drawing: Pat Erickson
Mystery Quilt: * open    
Parliamentarian & SCCQG & NCQG Rep:  Grace Hoya
Round Robin: * open
And I'd also like to congratulation Rita Buchler who won Best of Show at the Kings Fair with her President's Block quilt.  WAY TO GO RITA!!!!!