Monday, August 29, 2011

Next Guild Meeting - September 1

Our next guild meeting is September 1, 2011.  Our speakers will be our very own executive board members who will be giving us a trunk show and telling us their quilting history.

The workshop this month is on September 3rd and is called Log on a Roll and will be taught by our president Mary Jane Loya.  The class will be held at Quilters Quarters from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and only costs $25.00.
This class has been cancelled.

Don't forget to bring your show and tell and it's time to renew your guild membership if you haven't done so.  Be prepared to check your address and information at the membership table this month if you are currently a member.



Quilt Crazy said...

This is great Barb! Job well done!

Paula said...

I really like that you have gone to the blog. Much easier to check plus.....great photos can be posted. Thanks again for all your hard work. Hugs, P.